Villa Maria Apartments in Parga Greece tel 30-2684031358, mob.+306982310512  

How to Reach to Parga

Parga is situated in the NW Greece opposite from the island of Paxi to the south of Corfu. It is 38 km away from the port of Igoumenitsa, 70 km from the airport of Aktio, Prevesa and about 170 km from Ioannina. There are busses running daily to Parga from the bus station of the prefecture of Preveza in the city of Prevesa, from the bus station of the prefecture of Thesprotia in the city of Igoumenitsa and, in the summer, from the bus station of the prefecture of Ioannina in the city of Ioannina.

By boat from the port of Igoumenitsa.

By air from the three airports there are in the region:

the airport of Aktio, Prevesa and then from there by taxi or bus,

the airport of Corfu and then by ferry-boat to Igoumenitsa and from there by car to Parga,

the airport of Ioannina and then by bus to Preveza or Igoumenitsa (in both cases you have to change bus) or directly from Ioannina.


By boat from the ports of Italy to Igoumenitsa and then by bus or taxi.

By car or bus from:

Athens (by bus from Kifissos station),

Thessaloniki (by bus from Macedonia station through Prevesa or Igoumenitsa).


Useful telephone numbers:

Preveza bus station:

Parga 26840-31218

Prevesa 26820- 22213

Athens 210-5129252

Thessaloniki 2310-595.406

Thesprotia bus station:

Igoumenitsa 26650-22309

Athens 210-5125954, 5135379


Ioannina bus station:

Ioannina 26510-26286







Agion Anargyron 18 , 48060 - Parga,

Tel. +30-2684031358, mob.+306982310512

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